I Broke into FAANG + NVIDIA with this Leetcode Study Guide
I'm a recent Stanford graduate who worked tirelessly combing through Leetcode questions, spending tons of money on Leetcode premium to catalog and study the questions asked by FAANG and other top software companies. I studied over 300 questions and noticed that top companies would ask the same questions.
I've catalogued those questions into this study guide. This exact Notion guide is what helped me pass interviews at NVIDIA, Amazon, and Microsoft. (The attachment contains a link to the Notion doc holding links to all the problems.)
I've boiled down the topics into the following sections:
2D Arrays
Two Pointers
Sliding Windows
Binary Search
Binary Trees
Linked Lists
Dynamic Programming
To get a sense of what the guide looks like, I've made the section for "Strings" public. You can view it here: https://brief-banon-76c.notion.site/Strings-1857f0a0fb4780c297cefe030fc021d6?pvs=4
Hoping this will save you the time and money I lost from purchasing Leetcode premium and signing up for Data Structures and Algorithm courses!
Notion Study Guide with Handpicked FAANG Leetcode questions, optimal solution code, and English-explained solutions.